Tuesday 22 May 2012

Fire facts

It is believed that nearly 2000 fires, 22 that were fatal, between 2009 – 2010 were caused by electric heaters, electric blankets and candles. Click here to view our Security products.

400 caused by electric blankets
372 caused by portable electric fires
236 caused by gas fires
977 caused by candles

Sourced from www.communities.gov.uk

Safety Tips:
  • Most local councils offer free electric blanket testing and they should be tested every 3 years and replaced every 10 years. Never use a second hand one.
  • Always store electric blankets flat or rolled up. If they are folded, the internal wiring may become damaged.
  • Portable heaters should never be left switched on and unattended overnight.
  • Keep electrical items such as cookers and microwaves free from grease
  • If an electrical product works only now and again or appears faulty or you can smell burning stop using it immediately.
  • Avoid placing anything flammable too close to electric heaters
  • Test the batteries in fire alarms on a regular basis, at least every 3 weeks and change the batteries once a year.
  • Don’t overload electric sockets with too many appliances
For more information such as this please visit: http://www.sec.org.uk/ or http://www.safe4winter.com/ 

Age Concern and Help the Aged are now Age UK (http://www.ageuk.org.uk/) and are always in need of volunteers, especially in their shops.

To find out more about Age Concern personal alarms, then call 0800 77 22 66 or visit www.aidcall.co.uk/personalcare . Several packages are available and you pay a set-up cost followed by a monthly subscription fee. Any profits from this are donated to Age UK.

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