Carers Allowance Information

Who can get help?

A Carers Allowance of £58.45 is available to anyone over 16 who cares for someone for at least 35 hours a week. To qualify for this, the person being looked after must be receiving Disability Living Allowance at the highest or middle rate.

Young Carers cannot get Carers Allowance if earning more than £95.00 a week, or if they are at school or college for more than 21 hours a week. Those over 16 who want to stay in education could once apply for an Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) of up to £30.00 a week. However, this has now been scrapped.

Those under 16 are not entitled to financial support in their own right. However, the adult being cared for, or another adult involved in the child’s life, may request a carer’s assessment from social services. This may result in additional support being provided, including a professional adult carer being brought in, meals on wheels and respite care.

Charities including Barnardos (, The Children’s Society ( and also provide schemes that offer respite care and advice.

If you are caring for a friend or relative with dementia, the following organisations may be useful:

Carers UK Tel No: 0808 808 7777

The Alzheimers Society Tel No: 0845 300 0336

The Princess Royal Trust For Carers Tel No: 0844 800 4361

Age UK 0800 169 6565

NHS Choices website has a very good section dedicated to dementia at:

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