Tuesday 22 May 2012

Care Home fees cost possibly more if you are private.

It is an unfortunate fact, that people who have paid their way all their lives are being forced, or are left with no option but pay for their care home fees. But in addition are also having to subsidise free care home places awarded by local councils.
It has been reported, that some residents are having to pay out up to an extra £10,000 a year more for the same rooms and care standards as the residents that are financed by local authorities.
Currently in England, people with assets (including their homes) worth more than £23,250 must pay their own care home costs. Therefore, approximately 170,000 of the UK's 380,000 care home residents pay their fees without any council subsidy - however do so only by selling their homes and using their life savings.
It was reported that during 2010 nearly 22,000 pensioners sold their properties to meet their care home fees. Since then, there has been significant local authority budgets cut so things are only expected to get worse. As many councils will either freeze or reduce the rates they pay for residential care in the next financial year.
Within some care homes, on average, the fees for a privately-funded resident were often between £100.00-£200.00 more per week.

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