Wednesday 20 June 2012

How to Improve your Memory

I alike many others can sometimes forget where I put things. And so after tiring, and spending too much time searching for my keys I Googled for help.
How to Improve your Memory
So if you are ALWAYS losing your keys? With the right techniques it is possible to improve your memory.
These are the rules to follow:
ROUTINE: Always put the most easily lost items in the same place. Part of the problem with memory is that we are not paying enough attention, because we are doing too many things at once.
REHEARSAL: Then repeatedly say ‘I have put them on the shelf’ or wherever you have put them. To reinforce this.
Context is also vital for storing and triggering your memories. When it comes to names, try to think of someone else you know called that name such as a famous person or a song with that name in it. The association will help you to remember. Avoid multi-tasking; if you don’t properly process what is going on the information won’t be logged in your long-term memory and you won’t have sufficient clues to access and retrieve it.

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