Monday 14 January 2013

VAT Relief for the Disabled or Chronically ill - when buying Mobility Aids.

If you are chronically sick or disabled and suffer a long term chronic illness (such as Diabetes, Arthritis or Stroke) some items on our website are available to buy VAT free. This is available to you, if you are buying them for personal and domestic use, and that they are relevant to your condition or illness. Some of these conditions are shown below:

Stroke - The UK’s largest cause of disability and in 80% of all cases there are NO prior warning signs.
For more information, please click on:
For more information, please click on:
Heart Disease - This is the UK’s No 1 Killer and again shows no signs or symptoms.
For more information, please click on:

Diabetes - Approximately 2.8 million people in the UK have Diabetes. If left untreated, it can lead to Heart disease, Stroke, Nerve damage and even Blindness.

For more information, please click on:

Chronic Kidney disease - Causes no symptoms at all in the early stages. If you have CKD you are also at a higher risk of Heart attack or Stroke. 

For more information, please click on:         
For more information, please click on:

To claim VAT relief, the individual or individuals living at the delivery address you provide, must have a relevant disability such as: Diabetes, Arthritis or Stroke for example.

This provides the opportunity for relief to be claimed even if you are buying a product on behalf of someone that is entitled to VAT exemption.

If you would like to find out if you are eligible or are in any doubt as to your status, please check with your local Customs and Excise VAT office (Their Helpine is: 0845 302 0203) who will be able to confirm your eligibility or visit the following Government website:

VAT relief for charities

In some circumstances, UK charities do not have to pay VAT.
If you are buying on behalf of a registered charity and want to claim tax relief, please complete the declaration upon checkout, as you make your purchase via

For more help and information on this area, please visit the following Government website pages:

Additionally, should you require any further help or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have any questions whatsoever about VAT relief, we will be happy to assist and help you further.
Buying at Zero Rate VAT via are very happy and pleased to offer hundreds of products at 0% zero rate VAT.
The eligible products are indicated as such within the product description and upon checkout.

If you are able to claim VAT relief because you (or the person for whom you are buying the product) are either chronically ill, disabled or buying on behalf of a charity, you will be given the opportunity to adjust the tax as you checkout from the website. This is very clear and straightforward and requires you to simply check a box upon checkout.

Please note that a small amount of VAT will remain on your order even if you have claimed relief.
This is because of the handling and carriage for delivery, on which we are not allowed to remove tax from.
Should you want to find out further information on zero rate tax, please click here to read more on VAT relief.

Additionally, should you require any further help or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have any questions whatsoever about VAT relief, we will be happy to assist you further.

Do I Qualify for Zero Rate VAT ?

The disabled and chronically sick qualify to buy certain products in the UK without paying VAT at the standard rate.

Many products available via  are available without paying VAT.
These products are highlighted within the product description and marked clearly upon checkout. And can be found by typing and entering "VAT EXEMPT" within the home page search bar.

Disabled or chronically sick people do not have to pay VAT when they buy any product or equipment that has been designed solely for people with a disability or on the adaptation of equipment so they can use it.

The goods that are bought in this way are described as 'zero-rated' or 'eligible for VAT relief'.
However please note that, not everything that is supplied to disabled people is zero-rated for VAT.
VAT law states that you must be ‘chronically sick or disabled’ to buy at zero rate VAT.

A person is only deemed to be chronically sick or disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment/condition that has a long-term and severe effect on their ability to undertake and carry out their day-to-day lives.
The condition must also be one that doctors treat as a chronic sickness or illness. The terminally ill also qualify.

A person with a temporary injury like a broken arm or leg would not qualify for VAT relief. Neither would a frail elderly person who is able bodied.

A product or service must also be supplied for the individual's 'personal and domestic use'.
This means you cannot buy at zero rate if the products are or will be used for business purposes, or if the end user is staying/living in a hospital or nursing home, as part of their medical or surgical treatment or with any form of care they are receiving.

VAT Exemption is for most people who are chronically ill, but if you are at any point unsure, then please call your local Customs and Excise VAT office (Their Helpine is: 0845 302 0203) or us during the hours of 9am-7pm Monday-Friday. 

MobilityCareAids Co Uk in your home can transform how you live your life, making it easier for you to get on with day-to-day life. Whether you have mobility issues because you are elderly, or if you are wheelchair bound because of a disability. MobilityCareAids.Co.Uk in your Home has a wide range of independent mobility aids, from walking sticks and frames to rollators, bathing aids to a whole variety of clever and helpful mobility aids.  Our product range can be viewed by clicking on any of the following webpages: